What Is Pouch Reset, And How Does It Work?
Recently I heard about the pouch reset, and my friend wants to follow the diet, but we don’t know what and which one should follow the pouch reset diet.
After much confusion and doubt, I decided to research in-depth about this topic. Hope what I found will help you know more about pouch reset. Also, I mentioned more questions related to pouch reset, which I think is important for you to know.
What is Pouch Reset?
Pouch Reset is a restrictive and non-invasive diet method followed to shrink back the stomach after bariatric surgery. It is an instant post-surgery diet with four to five stages and lasts 9 to 10 weeks only.
The pouch reset is a diet created by Kaye Bailey, a gastric bypass patient, in 2007.
After the bariatric surgery, Kaye struggled with post-surgery weight regain, and in her attempt of finding ways to shrink her stomach back, she discovered the five-day pouch reset.
The pouch reset focuses on restricting the calorie intake, which helps your stomach to consume fewer calories.
The 5-day pouch reset has four to five stages which a patient starts with consuming liquids to healthy solid foods.
Pouch reset is a restrictive diet that follows eating guidelines according to the stages.
The 5-Day Pouch Reset Meal Plan Stages-
1. Day First Meal: In the first stage, you have to consume only clear liquids, anything healthy in the form of liquid. Make Sure liquid does not contain solid foods.
- Water
- Decaf tea
- Decaf coffee
- Broth
- Popsicles (Sugar-free)
- Jell-O (Sugar-free)
2. Day Second Meal: In the second stage, start consuming full-liquid meals. Remember, you want to feel like you do not consume solid foods in your stomach. Full liquid meals are-
- Pudding (Sugar-free)
- Vegetable soup
- Sorbet (Sugar-free)
- Very thin oatmeal
- Non-fat ice cream (Sugar-free)
3. Day Third Meal: In the third stage, start eating normal foods, but before consuming, puree them first for a smooth consistency. Pureed foods are those foods that are cooked. Pureed foods are-
- Hummus
- Protein Soup (no chunks)
- Cottage cheese (Low fat)
- Scrambled eggs
- Stay away from meat
- Almond milkshake
- Coconut milkshake
4. Day Fourth Meal: In the fourth stage, start eating semi-soft foods, stay away from solid foods like raw vegetables and hard fruits. Eat cooked, which are easy to digest. Foods like-
- Soft vegetables
- Soft ground chicken or beef
- Soups
- Scrambled eggs
- Cooked Salmon and tuna
- Mashed fruits like avocados, bananas, grapes
5. Day Fifth Meal: In the fifth and last stage of a pouch reset diet, start adding solid, healthy foods in your diet; the main focus should be consuming protein foods and then vegetables but consuming a small amount to maintain a healthy diet healthy weight.
- Consume healthy protein-rich food
- Eat a small amount of food as the size of your fist
- Try to eat lean protein
- Chew every bite of food for easy digestion
- Drink liquid before and after the meal
Does A Pouch Reset Work?
The pouch reset diet test plays into bariatric patients’ fear that they are gaining weight because they have stretched their stomachs. Still, the reality is it does not consider that the stomach can stretch because the stomach is a muscle.
After bariatric surgery, the stomach is restricted due to scarring and swelling. However, when your stomach heals from bariatric surgery, it continues to work as a normal stomach, and your capacity to eat increases.
There is no relation between the size of your stomach and your regained weight after your SIPS surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass, or any bariatric surgery.
The majority of weight gain depends on what you eat after bariatric surgery, the timing of your meals, and how much you are eating.
For example, if you eat food that fits on a small plate with a nutritious combination of protein, vegetables, and a small number of grains and after you feel comfortably full for three-four hours, then your stomach pouch is fine.
Pouch reset diet works to bound your caloric intake, which then causes you weight loss. As soon as you start eating larger meals, your stomach size will increase.
Furthermore, According to an experienced bariatric surgeon Dr. Simon Chow, he looked into the five-day pouch reset and has not found a single piece of evidence or scientific proof or study.
According to him, when something is not discussed in medical literature, I believe that there is no scientific basis for this reset or pouch reset diet.
He said, thinking about how the gastric pouch and anastomosis works; it does not make sense to me how a five-day pouch reset or liquid and puree diet regimen could shrink the gastric pouch.
The feeling of tightness immediately after the bariatric surgery is probably because of inflammation since the stomach cut and stapled. Also, there was inflammation from the creation of the anastomosis.
This inflammation resolves a few days/weeks after the surgery and during the healing of the stomach pouch, and hence the tightness feeling resolves with it.
Reviews From People Who Try Pouch Reset
I found some people who really try the 5-day pouch reset diet after the bariatric surgery, and you will shock after they telling the results.
Which Diet Should Flow After The Bariatric Surgery
The best diet to follow after bariatric surgery is the gastric bypass diet under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.
Gastric Bypass Diet
A gastric bypass diet is followed under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist — bariatric surgery reduces the size of your stomach and changes the way food enters your stomach. After the surgery, it is important to consume adequate nutrition, which maintains your weight. Your doctor or nutritionist is likely to recommend that you-
1. Drink and Eat Slowly- It is important to eat and drink slowly to avoid dumping syndrome, eat your meals at least for 30 minutes for easy digestion, and 30 to 60 minutes to drink 1 cup of water. Wait at least 30 minutes before or after each meal to drink water.
2. Eat Small Meals– Eat small meals by increasing the meals. Start with six small meals a day, then move to five meals, and finally, when following a regular 3 meals a day. Each meal includes half-cup to one cup of food.
3. Drink Water Between Meals- To stay away from dehydration, you will need to drink at least 67.6 ounces (2 liters) of water every day. But drinking too much water at or around mealtime can leave you feeling overly full and prevent you from eating enough food.
4. Chew Food Properly- The new entrance of the stomach pouch that leads from your stomach pouch into your small intestine is very narrow and can be blocked by larger pieces of food. Blockages can create problems by not moving the food properly and can cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Take small bites of food and chew them properly before swallowing.
5. Eat High-Protein Foods- Eat high-protein foods, such as Protein Soup, scrambled eggs, and cottage cheese.
6. Stay Away From Fat and Sugar Foods– These sugar and fatty foods move quickly through your digestive system and cause dumping syndrome.
7. Take Recommend Supplements – After bariatric surgery, your body won’t get enough nutrients from your food. You will likely need to take recommended multivitamin supplements by a doctor every day for the rest of your life.
Results of a Gastric Bypass Diet
The Gastric bypass diet can help you recover from your bariatric surgery, transition to eating healthy, and support your weight loss goals.
The thing is, if you return to your unhealthy eating habits after bariatric surgery, you may not lose all your excess weight, or you can regain weight after the surgery.
Risks of Gastric Bypass Diet
The biggest risk of the gastric bypass diet is not following the diet properly. If you eat large meals or eat food that you shouldn’t, you could suffer from many complications. Complications like
- Dehydration- People dehydrate after the surgery because you’re not supposed to drink water with your meals. That’s why you need to drink at least 67.6 ounces (2 liters) of water and other fluids every day.
- Constipation- A lack of physical activity and adding fluids and fiber to your meals can cause constipation.
- Dumping Syndrome- If you eat too much food, it enters your small intestine quickly, you are likely to experience vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea. Eating too fast or too much, eating foods high in sugar or fat, and not chewing your food properly can cause vomiting or nausea after meals.
- Blocked Entrance of Your Stomach Pouch- Food can become blocked at the opening of your stomach pouch. Even if you properly follow the gastric pouch diet. If you notice any signs and symptoms of a blocked stomach entrance, include ongoing vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. Immediately contact your doctor if you feel these symptoms for more than two-three days.
- Weight Gain or No Weight Loss- If you gain weight or no weight loss after following gastric bypass, contact your doctor or dietitian is the best option.
In Conclusion
In the end, there is no evidence or a single report about pouch reset in the literature science. And according to the doctors and dietitians, pouch reset doesn’t work. But some patients try pouch reset, and they see good results.
If you want a safe solution, contact your doctor for a customized diet plan according to your body situation.
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