Can We Repeat A Low Carb Diet After Two Months of Dieting?
A good diet plan gives you good results if you follow it for the long term, but some diets are made short term because of the adverse effects on your body. So it is vital to know which diet you can follow long term or short term. Currently, I am using following a custom keto diet which works really well.
Dieting can be difficult in the long term if you can’t eat what you want; the carving and sacrifices of restricted foods can make it more difficult to follow.
After more confusion in my brain, I decided to research this topic in depth. I hope what I found helps other people who are in the same place where I am now. Here is what I found.
Can We Repeat A Low Carb Diet After Two Months Of Dieting?

Can We Repeat A Low Carb Diet After Two Months Of Dieting? Yes, you can repeat a low carb diet after 2 months, but you need to drink lots of water because 1g of carbohydrates have 3ml of water; by following a low carb diet, your body loses carbs which means you need to drink lots of water to nourish and hydrate your body.
Following a low carb diet for 2 months is normal; you can easily continue or repeat a low carb diet after 2 months. To see your body shifted into ketosis requires two to six weeks of the time period for adjustment.
After 40 days, your body starts showing some results, and if you want to lose more weight, you can continue the diet.
But not more than six months because, According to PubMed research, Following long term low carb diet have serious risks such as cardiac contractile, heart arrhythmias, sudden death, kidney damage, osteoporosis, increased cancer risk, and impairment of physical activity by redistricting of carbohydrates for a long period of time.
Things You Know When Following A Low Carb Diet
After the wave of Low carb diet, which seems to have taken everyone by a storm, in contrast, this diet is popular in mass media nowadays for weight loss.
But very few people know things you need to know while following a low-carb diet.
Knowing Low-Carb Foods
Foods low in carbs come from different meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and dairy products.
- Broccoli and cauliflower
- Leafy green vegetables
- Low carb frozen meals
- Some fruits like apples, strawberries, and blueberries.
- Lean meats chicken breast, sirloin, and pork.
- Eggs
- Fish
- Nuts and seeds
- Oils like coconut oil, rapeseed oil, and olive oil.
- Dairy products like plain greek yogurt and milk.
Know The Serving Sizes And Carb Counts of Foods
Most low-carb diets only allow 50 to 100 grams (g) of carbohydrates per day. Because of this, people following low-carb diets must eat foods that have a lower carb count and higher nutritional value per serving.
Make A Low Carb Meal Plan
A meal plan can help make things easier when following any diet. You could try mapping out your week and plan all meals before going to the grocery store.
Planning meals in advance can help people follow their diet effectively. Knowing what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can help you avoid making healthful food choices.
Buy and Carry Low-Carb Snacks
Buy and carry low-carb snacks like seeds, unsalted nuts, hard-boiled eggs, unsweetened yogurt, baby or regular carrots, cheese to beat those late-night cravings in dieting. These low-carb snacks ensure that you do not indulge in eating unhealthy foods.
Follow Carb Cycling
Carb cycling means eating low-carb foods for a set amount of days, followed by eating higher-carb meals one day. This will help your body avoid fat-burning plateaus that can develop after a few weeks of low-carb dieting.
Carb cycling is hard, and it is not for everyone. If you consider it, you should talk to their nutritionist or doctor first.
Know the Alternatives
There are plenty of low-carb foods that can be eatable during low-carb dietings, such as zucchini ribbons, cauliflower pizza crust, spaghetti squash, lettuce leaves, portobello mushroom caps, and eggplant lasagna.
Don’t Do Excessive Exercise.
Those who follow a low-carb diet should avoid long periods of intense activity such as long-running. This is because doing a form of exercise requires extra endurance and extra carbs to fuel their bodies.
Is It Safe To Repeat A Low Carb Diet After 2 Months of Dieting?
Is It Safe To Repeat A Low Carb Diet After 2 Months of Dieting? According to A Mayo Clinic study, a Low-carb diet is only safe for six months. After that, it is hazardous to consume low carbs for a long time because it can lead to many serious diseases like cancer and early death.
Consuming low carbs is the most effective diet for weight loss, as the new study confirms. But the same study warns that it is only healthy if you follow the diet for six months. After that, your metabolism starts to slow.
Another noticeable thing is that the people who follow a low-carb diet often consume large amounts of meat to fulfill their protein requirements especially processed meats such as sausage, bacon, deli meats, ham, and hot dogs.
Consuming large amounts of processed meats can worsen mortality and increase cancer risk by raising glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
How Much Weight Can You Lose in 4 Months on a Low Carb Diet?

How much weight can you lose in 4 months on a low-carb diet? An average monthly weight loss on a low-carb diet is about four to ten pounds (1 or 2 lbs. a week considered safe). It means you will lose around 20 to 40 pounds in four months in a safe way.
It is better to purchase a fat scale that measures your body’s fat percentage because the weight you lose in low-carb dieting can be fat, water, or muscles. The fat scale gives a better idea about real fat loss rather than focusing on pounds loss.
Another thing you can do is take pictures of yourself regularly to see changes in your body that may not be shown on the fat scale.
What Is The Best Time of Eating Carbs on A Low Carb Diet?

What is the best time for eating carbs on a low-carb diet? The best time to eat carbs on a low-carb diet is in the morning or before 12:00. Recent studies show that your body performs better in burning carbs in the morning than in the evening, and eating carbs earlier in the day is better for optimal fat burning.
Another study shows that consuming carbohydrates in bulk before a workout is a good decision. The logic behind this is you will burn all the carbs you take in during the workout and keep your stomach in fat-burning mode. No study or research shows consuming carbs before a workout leads to fat burning.
Another PubMed study shows that “If you have insomnia while on a low carb diet so it is better to take carbs closer to bedtime may help you relax and fall asleep faster.”
How to Smoothly Transition Off the Low Carb Diet
So you’ve followed the low carb diet for a few months. You’ve achieved some goals, lost some weight and hopefully experienced some intense mental clarity about a low-carb diet.
But the problem is, after months of eating high protein, high fat, and minimal carbs, how do you reset your body to eating normal foods again?
How to Smoothly Transition Off the Low Carb Diet? To smoothly transition off the low-carb diet, you should eat carbs that are high in protein and fiber. Don’t consume high sugar foods because it creates a spike in blood sugar and leads to sugar addiction. Maintaining a good eating habit is also important because the weight you lose in a low-carb diet can be regained if you follow your old eating habit.
According to dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick, “It probably took you a few days to get into ketosis when starting a low carb diet.” So a sudden change of sugar and carbs could affect your body if you go wild with your low-carb diet.
“It probably took you a few days to get into ketosis when starting off on the keto diet,” says registered dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick. “So a sudden influx of carbs and sugar could wreak havoc on your body if you go wild with your diet.”
What Happens If You Don’t Transition Properly After a Low Carb Dieting?
For some reason, you can’t transition properly after following a low-carb diet. It happens because of unawareness and half-knowledge of a low-carb diet. So what are the consequences if you are unable to transition off a low-carb diet?
What Happens If You Don’t Transition Properly After a Low Carb Dieting? If you can’t transition properly after following a low carb dieting, you can face some symptoms like weight gain, increased sugar addiction and hunger, bloating and other bathroom issues, blood sugar spikes, which could cause irritability and fatigue.
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