Weight Loss Diet for Overweight Kids
If statistics are something to go by, there is a startling increase in the number of overweight kids currently, and if nothing is done about it, more than 80 percent of them are highly likely to stay overweight in their adult lives. And can subsequently put them in danger of developing many medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol, not to mention the impact obesity will have on their self-esteem.
However, it is not recommended to put all children on a strict diet. It would be best to employ weight management techniques with a sensible diet plan and regular exercise if you did an overweight boy.
Today we will talk about a fat diet and how you can help your overweight kid lose weight the right way.
The first thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to the fat boy diet is daily caloric needs. Young people usually need several calories daily, that their bodies require energy for everyday activities such as breathing, walking, etc. This is called energy allowance. Like grownups, young people’s daily caloric requirements depend on their age, sex, and activity level.
With that in mind, a moderately active child should consume the following amount of calories depending on their age: 6-8 years old up to 1,600 calories a day; 9-10 years old up to 1,800 calories a day; 11-13 years old up to 2,200 calories a day; 14-17 years old up to 2,400-2,800 calories a day.
Note that these are not written in the stone rules. Some kids will need more or fewer calories, depending on their levels of activity and metabolism.
The basic weight loss is that when you consume more calories than your daily requirement, the excess calories will be turned into fat and stored. On the other hand, if you consume less than your daily requirement, your body will convert stored fat into calories.
So the goal of any weight management in young boys is to prevent weight gain but maintain average height growth.
Below is a fat boy diet for weight loss. The recipe is decadent on the salad because it is known for its potency for weight loss if you swap it with your daily meal. Salad can supply your body with an outstanding balance of nutrients, including fibre, proteins, and loads of minerals. It is also great for your gut since it helps enhance metabolism.
Fat boy diet
Green bean salad
This diet is rich in protein and has a high water content to help you with your weight loss. A study found that consuming protein can increase metabolic rate by up to 30%.
Note that green bean salad contains 20 calories in each serving.
Lentil salad
Lentils are rich in the resistant start. Resistant starch features numerous attributes that can contribute to weight loss. For instance, it contains a form of fibre that is hard to digest, thus maintaining the feeling of being full for longer, making you eat fewer calories.
Avocado and roasted chickpea salad
Chickpeas are known for being rich in fibre and protein, both of which help in weight loss. Protein quenches hunger while fibre resists digestion, keeping you fuller for most of the day, thus preventing you from eating plenty of food.
Although avocado has high-fat contents, the fat is burned much quickly compared to other kinds of fats. These fruits can also boost the rate at which other fats are burned in the body. Last but not least, avocado has also been shown to reduce appetite and suppress the desire to eat.
Is the diet healthy for young boys?
We all need calories to help our bodies run well. And so, any diet that involves a few fewer than necessary calories and insufficient nutrients content can be unhealthy. Extremely low-fat diet plans can also be harmful to you. Our bodies need some fat, so when you plan your diet, make sure you include some fat, as much as enough to supply 30% of your total daily calories.
Also, avoid diet plans that restrict certain food groups, especially those that don’t include carbs or only involve fruits. A good diet should have a rich source of minerals and vitamins.
How to help you young boy lose weight.
As I mentioned earlier, the first aim for you is to make sure your kid stop gaining weight while maintaining their average growth height. This will allow the child to grow into their weight. Start by motivating your kid to eat healthy meals (they should eat 500 fewer calories per day) and incorporate physical activities into their daily routine.
Once they stop gaining more weight and eating healthy and exercising, you can set the weight loss goals.
The tricky part will be to motivate your kid. If they are motivated, it will be easier for them to lose weight. But you can help by planning healthy meals for them as well as encouraging them to exercise regularly.
One way to keep your kid motivated throughout their weight loss journey is by allowing them to participate in decisions involving their healthy meals and exercise actively.
Another important thing is to adjust the activities that lead them to become overweight in the first place.
Consider doing the following:
Limit their television:
restrict your kid’s television time to at most two hours a day. Sitting in front of the tv does not burn too many calories, and instead, it encourages your kid to eat too many unhealthy foods.
Limit snacks:
another habit you can modify is snacking. Snacks should be restricted to two per day and should only include low-calorie snacks like vegetables or fruits. Keep cookies and chips away from them as possible.
Encourage drinking:
drinks encourage your kid to drink at least four glasses of water per day, particularly before meals, to prevent them from overeating. Aside from water, they can also have such as low-fat milk and diet soda.
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