Novo Nordisk Semaglutide Weight Loss
Novo Nordisk, a Danish worldwide pharmaceutical company which is based in Denmark. It has production sources in about 8 countries and offices in 5 countries of the eight. This pharmaceutical company is majorly under the control of its shareholders. Novo Holdings, a shareholder group, holds about 25% of the total shares. The voting shares hold 45% of the shares. This pharmaceutical company manufactures and then markets its services and products related to diabetes. They provide devices and medications for diabetic complications. This company is also involved in hormone replacement and growth hormone therapies. It is involved in the management of hemostasis too. Novo Nordisk pharmaceuticals manufacture different drugs with different brands. These brands include, Novolog, Tresiba, Novolin R, Victoza, Levemir, NovoSeven and NovoEight.
More than 40,000 people are employed in this pharmaceutical company globally. Its products are marketed to more than 180 countries. In the year 1989, the company made their corporation by merging duo Danish companies. The logo of this pharmaceutical company is a sacred animal (Apis Bull) in Egypt. The company is a member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries Association. Among the best 100 pharmaceutical companies, Novo Nordisk is ranked 25th, and fortune ranked it in the 72nd position. This company was known as the best sustainable industry globally the year 2010 by a business magazine known as Corporate Knights.
In 2015, the company announced to collaborate with Ablynx using the nanobody technology they had to develop a new drug type. In 2018, the Ablynx company rejected $3.1 billion offered by the Novo Nordisk pharmaceuticals claiming that the funds were undervaluing the business.
This company later made the world’s diabetic foundation to take care of people affected by diabetes. This was done in the developing countries, which supported the United Nations resolution to fight diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
About 85% of this pharmaceutical company’s business entails diabetic medics. The company works with different personnel, i.e., doctors, nurses and patients, to produce products to self-manage diabetic conditions. A study known as Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs was a universal survey to the psychological hints of people affected with diabetes. The study had more than 5000 diabetic patients and about 4ooo health care providers. The study group was designed for the identification of the barriers to quality and optimal health. The following study in the year 2012, this study consisted of about 15,000 people. This number included the diabetic patients and the health care providers.
This pharmaceutical company later produced a drug known as semaglutide which originally had the function of treating diabetes. The FDA later approved the drug to be used for weight loss. Using this drug would result in losing about 20% of their total original body weight within the first 68 weeks. However, patients who are not affected by type 2 diabetes lost about 16 to 18 percent of the weight on average.
Semaglutide drug for weight loss
Semaglutide, also known as Ozempic is a drug specifically developed to improve blood sugar levels. Adults use it with 2 different types of diabetic conditions. It is made in a solution form that is administered by injection below the skin.
This drug belongs to the class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1, the GLP-1 agonists. This drug can be used independently or used together with other diabetic medics.
The semaglutide drug is usually available in the form of a pen that is easier to inject yourself when in need. These pens are available in 2 types and forms. Both types consist of 2 milligrams of semaglutide drug in about 1.5 millilitres of the solution. The pens are specifically designed to give totally different doses. The drug is available in solid pellets currently. This solid form of semaglutide trugs is still under study to determine whether the drug will be effective in this form.
The drug decreases appetite as a result, a lot of people affected with diabetes use this drug to lose weight.
This drug was not specifically meant for losing weight. However, doctors are likely to prescribe semaglutide drugs for the same purpose. This kind of drug is often known as an off-label drug.
Food and drug administration approval of the semaglutide drug
The United States of America’s food and drug administration approved the semaglutide drug to be officially used in December 2017.
The drug can be used with other diabetic drugs including glimepiride, glyburide, pioglitazone, dapagliflozin, glipizide, insulin glargine, metformin and canagliflozin.
Semaglutide dosage
The doctor will advise the patient to begin with low doses. After this, the patient will adjust little by little to reach the dosage that is effective for the body. Make sure that the dosage is prescribed by your doctor or your health care personnel. This is because only a doctor can determine the right and best dose for your body.
Semaglutide form and strength
The drug is available in form of a pen that is easier to administer it personally by injecting. The pens can be used numerous times. The degree to which a pen is reusable depends on the type of pen you use. There are 2 types of pens i.e.,
- One of the pens delivers injections ranging from 0.25 milligrams to 0.5 milligrams. This pen is recommended for beginners and first-time patients. This pen can be reused until the 6th
- The remaining type of pen has 1 milligram per single injection. This pen is used when the patient needs a high dose to control blood sugar levels. This pen can only be reused once after the first usage.
The liraglutide drugs come with their administering needles which will be used every time you need the injection.
The liraglutide pens should not be shared.
Type 2 diabetes dosage
During the first taking of semaglutide drug, you will self-inject with 0.25 milligrams singly in a week for a period of about 1 month. After a month, if the blood sugar level in your body is controlled well, the dosage of 0.25 milligram per week will resume. However, if you want to reduce the blood sugar level maximumly, then the doctor will maximize the dosage to one with 1milligram weekly.
The drug should be administered on the same day every week to maintain an even range. The injection can be done any time of the day after or before having meals. In case you missed a dose, take it immediately at the time you remember. This should be between 5 days. Continue taking the dose on a regular schedule every week.
What are the side effects of semaglutide drugs?
The following are side effects caused by the usage of semaglutide drugs — nausea, diarrhea, pain in the stomach, constipation, vomiting, flatulence, and stomach upset. These common side effects may disappear in a few days or weeks. If they persist look for your doctor to get direction.
The critical side effects include:
- pancreatitis with the following symptoms:
swollen belly, nausea, vomiting, painful back and belly, unintended weight loss, and fever.
- Kidney damage with the following symptoms:
Confusion, nausea, fatigue, reduced urination and swelling of the legs.
- Allergic reactions
- Diabetic retinopathy with symptoms including loss of vision, night vision is poor, blurred vision and seeing of dark spots.
- Hypoglycemia with the following symptoms: hunger, confusion, sweating, headache, increased heartbeat, drowsiness and general body weakness.
- Thyroid cancer. Symptoms include trouble during swallowing, hoarse voice, trouble when breathing and a lump in the neck.
The bottom line
Semaglutide drug has one of its side effects which is losing weight. People who are overweight may be prescribed to use this drug. The user has to take a lot of caution since this drug has severe side effects such as kidney disease, thyroid cancer and even blindness.
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