Home Weight Loss Does The Average Weight Of A Child Depend Upon Age

Does The Average Weight Of A Child Depend Upon Age

by GetHealthyShape
Does The Average Weight Of A Child Depend Upon Age
Does The Average Weight Of A Child Depend Upon Age

Does The Average Weight Of A Child Depend Upon Age

The physical development of a child’s body involves an increase in size, length, and height over time. Children have a rapid growth from birth to about age one or two years, and then their growth slows down. This may cause children to appear to be eating less, but they are eating as much as usual – so don’t worry. I guess you want to know whether the average weight of a child depends on age or not. Right? If so, go through this comprehensive article for the best answer.


The average weight of a child indeed depends on age. But what should be the weight of a child at some specific age? Let see:


The average weight of a Child of fewer than 5 Years Old:

From birth to five years, a child will be seen differently at different ages. Like from birth to one year, a child usually gains fat. And his weight should be double of birthweight in six months. The weight of the child should gradually increase till the age of 3. But after three years, many children stop increasing their weight because of not eating healthy food. The weight of a child at the age of 5 should be 17 to 18 kg.

The average weight of a Child from 6 to 10 Years Old

After five years old, the growing phase of a child begins. A child should gain an average weight of two or three kg every year. But many children do not gain this much weight from 6 to 10 years old.

According to research, the average weight of a child at the age of 10 should be from 26 to 30 kg (if they eat properly).


The average weight of a Child from 11 to 13 Years Old

This is the phase when a child will transit into a teenager, and at this time, children start feeling some sense of freedom. So, they mostly eat unhealthy and junk food, which causes an increase or decrease in their weight.

A child within this age range is overweight if his weight is 130 pounds or more. And a child is underweight if his weight is 70 pounds or less. So, you have to feed your child properly because weight gain or weight loss after this age is quite a difficult job.

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Influence of age on Weight

Once a child gets older, his weight will follow his development. Nowadays, many parents are worried about their child’s weight. They become worried as to whether the child’s weight is under the child’s growth period or not. For parents, references from some sources below can be a benchmark to reduce anxiety.


According to detikHealth, Monday (August 30, 2010), child growth and development factors are associated with growth elements. Mothers can measure it from weight, height, and also head circumference.


The body of a 6-year-old boy will vary from 21 kilograms and an average height of 116 cm. At 8 years, his weight will be 26 kilograms, with an average height of 128 cm. Starting the growing of 10 years, the weight will be 32 kilograms, with an average height of 139 cm. In this growing range, girls will have the same average weight and height.


Beginning from puberty, children will experience unique growth according to each child’s timeline. This change can occur by involving significant weight gain.


Ideally, teenage girls will become heavier as the fat will fill their chests and buttocks. Although it can be calculated using calculations from the Body Mass Index or BMI, this method can calculate the standard weight of a teenage girl. Girls can maintain their growth by eating vegetables and fruits.

Growth in girls will speed up when they enter puberty, at 8-13 years. Girls will peak two years after puberty begins.


The growth process in humans is not simple, adding fat to their bodies but changes in the composition of their body tissues that make their bodies increase in height.

Changes that occur in the body and their Measurements:

Many changes occur during this phase of life, such as reducing their appetite and becoming more coordinated. Doctors weigh children’s height and compare it to their weight to see how they are doing. Doctors from birth use the World Health Organization (WHO) charts to two years of age while the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Disease (CDC) charts are used from two years old.


Factors that determine Children’s weight:

Age Of The Child:

In the United States, a child’s average weight is usually measured in pounds. Research has shown that the average weight of a 6-month old infant ranges from 7 to 10 pounds, while an 18-year old can weigh anywhere from 145 to 175 pounds. So, this shows their growth based on age, but there are some more factors as well.

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Diet And Physical Activities Of the Child:

If their diet includes too much sugary food, snacks, quick meals, and soda, children will be more overweight. A healthy lifestyle can help children maintain a healthy weight. The amount of time spent outside playing and engaging in physical activity will also affect their weight. Parents should monitor their child’s food intake closely and encourage them to participate in after-school activities like sports or dance classes. In addition, studies have revealed children who watch TV every day for up to 3 hours are more likely to be overweight than children that watch TV for less time.


The Sleep Routine Of A Child:

Every night, children should have enough sleep as it is important. Studies demonstrate that sleep deprivation can reduce their activity during the day. This reduces their work and may lead to obesity for the child.



What is the average weight of a 13 years old child?

For a 13-year-old child, the typical weight is between 75 and 145 pounds, while for a 13-year-old young woman, the regular weight is somewhere between 76 and 148 pounds. The 50% weight for young males is 100 pounds.  The 50th percentile for young women is 101 pounds.


What are the four stages of growth and development?

These are the four vital stages of development and human turn of events:

Early stages (birth to 2 years of age), youth (3 to 8 years of age), center youth (9 to 11 years of age), and adults (12 to 18 years of age).


What is the most important stage of a child’s development?

Ongoing mind research demonstrates that a Child’s turn of events is the main year from birth to age three.


What is the average weight of a 12 years old child?

The midpoints for 12-year-olds are 89 pounds for males, and 92 pounds, for females. In any case, past natural sex, numerous elements impact somebody’s weight at this age, including their tallness, body synthesis, the beginning of adolescence, ecological variables, and fundamental medical problems.


Will an insufficient number of calories affect a child’s weight?

A lack of calorie intake causes nearly 90 percent of children’s weight loss. This can be because the child has trouble eating or parents who do not know the child’s caloric needs.


What nutrients and multivitamins are needed for a Child’s growth?

For children who have trouble eating or are picky in terms of food, then parents can give their children additional supplements and multivitamins—for example, vitamins A, C, D, and iron.

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When can children begin to eat alone?

They can eat alone from the age of 2-5 years. Build habits so that children can pick their meal or invite your child to decorate their meal.


What is the average weight for a 12 or 13-year-old child?

The average weight for a 12-year-old or 13-year-old child has a good range. For a girl, the average weight is between 76 and 148 pounds. While for a boy, the average weight is between 75 and 145 pounds.


How do I Know Whether My Child is Skinny or not?

If your child is in the 5th percentile when comparing his weight with height, he must be skinny; otherwise, not.


How can I get my child to gain weight?

To increase a kid’s weight, you have to feed him excessive fat like butter and vegetables like potatoes.


Why is my child so skinny?

This can be due to any disease, so you should go to a doctor or an expert for diagnosis.



As your child gets older, your child’s weight will increase according to their growth. Maintaining feed intake that is under the number of calories needed, providing nutrients and multivitamins, keeping food under the portions, and growing children’s interest in the meal are the ways that can support the child’s weight to be as expected. A baby becomes a kid and then a child. These are some phases of a kid’s early life, so he must be of a specific weight at a specific age. But weight is not the only important stuff; height also matters. If your child’s height and weight are both good, your child is healthy.

To conclude, we can say that bodyweight depends on age. Still, age does not just help a body grow; there are some other factors, including exercise, excellent diet, proper sleep, etc. People must take care of these things to help their child grow properly, and parents must be responsible.

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