Home Diet Tips Alum For Weight Loss: Does It Help?

Alum For Weight Loss: Does It Help?

by GetHealthyShape
Does Alum Water Help in Weight Loss ?
Does Alum Water Help in Weight Loss ?

Does Alum Water Help in Weight Loss?

Alum water, as Alum or in the Indian language called fitkari, is a great ingredient with many uses. It has many amazing uses, from skin fairness to water purification. But there are many types of alum, and it is important to get to know which alum to use the correct dosage, and the correct method to prevent any side effects. The question is, does alum help in weight loss? Before we know, let’s talk about what an alum is so we can also find out how alum helps in weight loss, alright?

What Is Alum? Alum, popularly called Fitkari | Fhitkari, is very commonly used in India. When we say the word “Alum,” The first thought that comes to your mind is using it in shaving, but alum has other wonderful benefits and uses.

There are many types of alum. Potassium alum is the one popular used for household use. It is also the one that is most commonly referred to as an alum. But is this the alum for weight loss? Let’s find out.

(Alum) Fitkari Uses in Water

Fitkari: There has been an ongoing debate in the water industry for several years regarding the use of alum in the water treatment process and the ‘suspicion’ that aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is subject to international research.

A variety of possible causes have been considered. However, there is no link between alum intake and any diseases that have been found by eating alum. But still the question — does Alum water help in weight loss?

What is the use of Alum?

Though alum is used widely as a home remedy, it is rarely internally consumed, and most remedies call for only external application of alum paste. In our place (in India), we use alum for making homemade bindis too. And then again, you’re asking… Alum for weight loss – Does it help?

Alum for Weight Loss

In Chinese medicine, alum is popularly called Ming Fan and is taken internally and applied externally for skin diseases like body odor, athletic foot, etc. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of the alum weight loss method even in Chinese medicine.

Is there really an alum weight loss method?

Does Alum Water Help in Weight Loss?

As per our findings, we don’t find any research about how alum water helps in weight loss, and there is also no scientific proof that alum water for weight loss.

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Alum Benefits and Precautions

I believe everyone, even men and women alike, wants to find out about alum for weight loss and achieving a great physique. And of course, we’d love to help you with that, so let’s talk about the benefits, plus the precautions of using alum, and if it does really help in weight loss at all, shall we?

Does Alum Water Help in Weight Loss?

Alum is taken internally as a medicine in both Chinese and ayurvedic medicine but only in minimal amounts as it is toxic in large doses. I would suggest consuming alum as medicine only under expert guidance and never as a home remedy.

When using alum as a deodorant, try using it on alternate days instead of regularly, as even regular external applications might get absorbed into the bloodstream. If you are experiencing any irritation after using alum, stop using it.

Alum is also used for vaginal tightening, but please remember using alum for vaginal tightening can lead to irritation and an increased chance of getting an infection, so try to avoid using alum for vaginal tightening.

Using it on the skin, use it sparingly, and always use a moisturizer later as alum tends to cause skin dryness.

Alum is also used popularly for weight loss but is not to be taken internally. External application of alum on the stomach is said to reduce belly fat, but there is no scientific research proving this, so please do your research well before using alum for weight loss.

A small pinch of alum is used in certain hair treatments to treat lice and dandruff. When using alum for hair, please be careful of the dosage; else, it can lead to hair fall.

A Quick Final Thought on Alum for Weight Loss

Let’s put it this way…

There’s a saying that goes like this: A young man is a theory; an old man is a fact. Just as the Keto diet is a proven fact that helps you lose weight by taking the right type of foods, alum for weight loss is still a theory. But it is said to help in weight loss by applying it topically, and it is known to be popular in reducing belly fat.

I hope by this time, you’ve already learned how to use alum for weight loss. And please remember— topically.

Let me know your thoughts below!

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